Meeting Time

Club meetings are held weekly:
Monday - 8:00pm - College of Business.
Please email us at if you are interested in attending these meetings and/or have any questions.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sustainable House Dedication

This past Saturday the members Women in Business were able to see all their hard work put to a good cause. WIB joined forces with Habitat for Humanity to build a home for a deserving local family. In the spirit of going green, Women in Business helped raise money for the project with a fund raiser selling reusable water bottles. WIB raised $800 to put towards the cause and was present at both the wall raising event at the dedication of the home. For more information on the sustainable project and the recipients for the house visit :

Monday, February 15, 2010

RIT Sportszone story on Skate For a Cause

RIT SportsZone covered our Skate For a Cause event.

Check out the story HERE!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Make the Rink Pink

We want to congratulate the Zeta Tau Alpha ladies and the Men's and Women's Hockey teams for such a successful event.Tiger Hockey, Sorority Raise $21,248 to Fight Cancer During ‘Pink Rink’