Meeting Time

Club meetings are held weekly:
Monday - 8:00pm - College of Business.
Please email us at if you are interested in attending these meetings and/or have any questions.

Monday, February 15, 2010

RIT Sportszone story on Skate For a Cause

RIT SportsZone covered our Skate For a Cause event.

Check out the story HERE!!!


  1. This was a great night!I can't wait to see the turn out for next year! Thank you to everyone who participated, we look forward to having your support in the future.

  2. I had a lot of fun at this event! I'm glad that we raised so much money for Hannahs Hope. Excited to continue raising money for Helping Hearts and Hands! =)

  3. I'm glad everything worked out and it was such a huge success. We should all be proud :)

  4. Skate for a Cause was great this year! Congratulations to Heather, Stephanie, Paulina and Jen for doing such an awesome job.
