Meeting Time

Club meetings are held weekly:
Monday - 8:00pm - College of Business.
Please email us at if you are interested in attending these meetings and/or have any questions.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Preparing for Job Search

Women In Business is busy planning some big events that are coming up in the spring. While we work on these larger projects we have been having some of our members give lessons that can help all of us in our professional lives.

On Monday January 3rd, Maureen Gburek gave a lesson on resumes. Some of her big points were that a resume should represent yourself. There are a lot different ways to put together a resume and Maureen helped us understand how to make one that will help us stand out and to snag the best positions. This is an example that Maureen showed to us that helped her obtain her internship in Dublin.
For our meeting on Monday, January 1oth, Kara Shierly did a follow up lesson that included cover letters, thank you letters, and the use of JobZone, the RIT job posting site. A few key things to remember when writing a letter are:

Keep the same heading: make sure all the documents( resume, thank you letter, references, cover letter) that you are submitting have the same header
Find a contact: A letter addressed to a specific(relevant) person looks better than a generalized one, even if it is not the person you will be interviewed by. It shows that you put in effort.
Make a connection: Most importantly in the thank you letter- make sure you make a connection, something that the interviewer will remember about you. Of course make it something positive!
Here is a sample of a cover letter that Kara showed.

Nina DeStevens gave the lesson this past Monday, the 17th, on personal branding. This is a very important topic expecially with the expansion of social networks on the internet. Keep a unified face on all forms of social and business networks. This means that what a potenital employer sees on LinkIn sould mirror what they can see on Facebook. In order to reiterate her point Nina showed a short Youtube clip. Please follow the link pervided below, the movie contains a lot of helpful information.

Women In Business has many great events and activitites to come!

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